When your candidates are ready for testing, you must create a test for them. If the candidates have different functions, you will have to create one test for each function. 

Click on Setups from the Tests tab.


Click on Plan setup.

Choose the correct Test type. The correct tests are called ATC APP, ATC ENR, ATC TWR and Pilot. The first three tests are also available in student versions. Click Next.


You are now going to set the date. Click on the Calendar and choose the date. Then click on the Clock for setting the starting time. Proceed by clicking Next.


The final step is to select a room. Click Create to finish.  


The test is now created. 

You will now have to add the candidates to the setup. It is important to be aware that only candidates with this specific function should be added to the setup. 
Click Add Candidate. You now get two options: you can pick one candidate from your candidate list, or you can create a new candidate. As a default, you will always get My candidates. 




Start to type the name in Candidate filter to shorten the list. You may also type the candidates username. Click Sign up




You can also create a new candidate from this view. Choose the tab Create candidate and click the button. 


Add the details required. All the boxes marked in red are mandatory and must be filled in before the Create button is active. Choose function. 


Two candidates have now been added. 

To complete the setup you need to select marker and examiners.