This article contains everything you need to know during and after a test except marking of Paper 1. You can read about it here

At the right side, next to each candidate, is a gear icon. When you click on it a toolbox appears. 


You can click on Show status to see whether a test has been taken or not. This will also show you if the results for paper 2 and 3 has been entered. 


In Paper 2 settings and Paper 3 settings you have several options. You can download test files and you can change the versions if you need to. You can also add or change first and second examiner or third assessor if necessary. 

You choose the correct Level from the drop down menu and you mark the radio buttons to show the level the candidate got in each skill. 

When a candidate has finished all two or three papers and the results have been entered you have to close them.


Confirm that you want to close the paper.

Set Expiration date.